Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who's Ken Block?

well to all car enthusiasts out there, u guys must've known this guy already.
ya know, kenny from the block? lol.

as for me, i myself don't know much about him. all i know is that he's an awesome driver.
a rally driver to be precise.

before he entered the world of rallying, he was the one who co-founded DC shoes. ever heard of ot? the skater shoes company?
if u havent heard of the DC shoes, go get life. i mean its famous ya know. its known all around the world. even my sister knows it.

enuf of skating, back to rallying.

as i said, he's a good rally driver, his machine, a Subaru Impreza STI.
when a great rally driver is coupled with a subaru impreza sti like his, for the lay-men, the results are monstrous.
as for us car-enthusiasts, the results are, well, orgasmic. lol

ok cut the crap. heres a video of Ken Block performin the second gymkhana.

ready, steady, GO!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hobi Baharu?

kami ade hobi baru. haha
tgk aa gamba2 nehh.
mls ohh nk terangkan
lgpon tgk lagi best dari membace kann. kann?


zaman jahiliah. HAHA!

ketot dan saye


saye yg merah, kama ialah DC5 putih, sajiv ialah sylvia standard, ketot pula ialah sylvia matte-black dan ijan adalah skyline putih

haa menarik bukan? sesiape yg berminat marila joen kamii! kami akan ade kan race pd stiap malam minggu tahu!
sgt best ohh.
ade drift course dan juge touring course.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Maka Mencarutlah Anda.

hello semua!
ahaa malansyee nk update blog ni.

berdasarkan ayat diatas :
kenapakah malas ini terjadi?
- sbb tiade idea, make malas.
- sbb tiade idea, make malas lagi
- dan sebab malas, jadi tade idea.

make dgn inferens2 yg diberikan, hipotesis nye ialah :
-blog ini tidak di-update

bukan kah ape yg saye buat ini adalah meng-update blog?
make saye bukan lah pemalas, bukan?
dan ini juge adelah idea, bukan?

inferens terbaru ialah :
- ini adalah idea
- idea sudah ade

make hipotesis terbaru adalah :
- blog ini ter-update

dan kawan2, ini namenye TAKDE KEJE n XBOLEH TIDO

jadi dgn membace post ini anda telah :
- membazir 2 minit*bergantung kepade kelajuan pembacaan anda*

ha-ha. padan muke ;p

maaf, saye takkan pulangkan 2 minit anda kembali sempena membace post ini ye, harap maklum.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Eid Al-Fitr

hey guys! wow it has been quite a while since i last blogged.
missed me anyone? yea? no? yea, u know, i just dont really care.


so hows it goin guys? to my fellow muslim friends, how's ramadhan?
puase cukup x? haha! XD

bet u guys are eff-ing excited because raya is comin huh? counting the days..
lekluu. 2 hari je lagi beb. hehe.

okey so im gonna make this thing short,

just wanted to wish u guys :

from the bottom of my heart, i am
sorry for all that i have sinned,
sorry for all that i have wronged,
sorry for what i have said,
and sorry for all the stupidity.

and please, drive safely for those whos driving. ok?

HOWEVER, lets not forget about our exams ok(to MMU friends)


happy hols guys!
n do take care ok?;D


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy 21st Ilyasak Helmi @ whiteranger!

this post is especially for u my friend! hehee

so, ilyasak helmi, wujud sejak tahun 1988. skang dah pon 21 tahun hidup. fuhh lamee tuu!

tahniah bro!

n i wish u sweet 21st okeh!

thanx for being a good friend since 2004

we may not know each other for a long time, bt this 5 years or so, uve been a great companion!

hope this lasts forever.

hope u'll reach ur goals.

wish u all the best for egypt.

n all the best in life.

this might sound gay, but i love u man!


esok aku blanje ko mkn kat Q oke! hahahaha

unforgettable moments captured and preserved. hehe


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Careless whisper

ok this song was originally performed by George Micheal.
n later, Seether made a cover of it. ya know, the metal band?
when love song meets up with its metality*ok i just made this word up so dont go lookin in the dictionary, nerd.*, the song becomes so very cool!
but of course, we have to respect the originals right?
george micheal, he's was great. seether? their's are the cover of greatness.
shit i dunno what that means, but hell, just enjoy the song ok?

George Micheal -

and the cover by

Seether -

hope u guys enjoyed the videos/songs/whatever.

performed by George Micheal and Seether.

p.s.- ITS FUCKIN HOT TONIGHT, bt thank god im still able to enjoy songs like these.


Friday, July 17, 2009

A weekend with Yasak! part II

after kayak smlm(11julai), kitorg lepak minom2 kat al abrar. a port where great ideas come to life.
y? cuz we talked about kayak there, badminton, gunung ledang, n etc etc. yeap! gunung ledang bebeh!
so it was on! n i was soo excited, i dint even sleep to wake evry one up! lol. n its worth it! except for amer, who overslept n dint even notice our rain of phonecalls. y? because he silenced it. lol smart boy. nevermind tho. so we went without him! so, "us" for "today"(12july) was me, mirul and kakyong, sikenit, sajif, faiz, n yasak!

perjalanan ke gunung ledang started at 8.15 am and took about 40 minutes, without sesat thanx to faiz's and mirul's GPS.

upon arrival, we acted as foreigners, and got ourselves rambutans to feed ourselves. the whole trip was fucking funny weyh. with sajif's self proclaimed flying kancil-thats because his speedo was showing 0 kmh all the way! hahaha

we climbed we climbed and we climbed again, not for the top, but still, not at the bottom, n better yet, not in the middle! hahahaha.
afterall, it...
"Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb"

quoted from the song titled "the climb" performed by miley cyrus.
lol nyempat jek nk quote. hahaha

all the climbing was definitely fun tho it was tiring, but it was worth it when we found the spot we wanted. waterfalls, cold water, in the morning, yeahh, thats basically how we define "cold".

i cant define the word "fun" tho, but hope these pictures will. enjoy~the climb

the arrival

and the swim

aaand the breath control competition? lol

makan makan makan!! breakfast bebb! huhu

mengendap time! haha x senonoh btul

around 12-1 pm, we decided to head back as more ppl came, n it was gettin noisy. plus, we really head a great time dy, and too much fun cud be dangerous, org kate berhenti sblm kenyang kann. ehehe.

on our way back home, we took a break for lunch in muar for meee bandung!! whoahh as i told u in my previous post, muar's mee bandung never failed us.
was the best, still the best, n will be the best of all me bandungs! haha
ok mayb i over exegerated this, but yeahh, mee bandung muar is still in our hearts. hahaha

after mee bandung, we took another break at kopi 434! ppl say its the best coffee in town, n it IS!
the coffee is rich in flavor. but its still coffee! got ice cream, honey, cynamon, and others which i dont recall. many choices of coffee is avaiable there. so come on ppl, if u wanna taste the best coffee shop in town, this is truly the place!
heehhehe smpat promote lg.

bloated, tired, happy times, great fun, friends, convoy, and acomplishment. u noe what i call these combinations?
a weekend to remember!
one word,
oops that was 3 words. hahaha


Thursday, July 16, 2009

A weekend with Yasak! part I

last saturday kitorg(me, yasak, faiz, amer, sikenit, sajif and mirul) gi kayak lagi!! best ohh
lately mmg kitorg kuat berkayak aa.
kasi kuat siket ini tgn. huuhu. aside of that, we had a pretty much great time!
sempat TT ag kott! oh yea TT stands for Tea Time actually but in other word it means lepak2 reramai aa.
back to the story, yeahh we'all smpat lek2 reramai kumpul kat tgh tasik smbil isap okok. hahaha
its a habit now. evrytime we go kayak-ing, we'll stop in the middle ramai2 just to borak2 n isap okok. kind of a break time la. hhahaha
that time, it was sajif's n faiz's first time. but they did great tho. alah its nit like driving ponn. senang je berkayak ni. huhuu

haa ckp byk pon x gune, ayuh lihat gambar2!! huhu.
kasi briefing sket kat dak2 baru.

ini name nye TT or lepak2! hehe

a scene taken by mirul.

cube carik kitorang.

all the kayak-ing ended with a beautiful sunset that was captured by mirul. huhu

we all had a blast altho it was tiring but yeah, it was fun! great fun!

to be concluded....

Monday, July 6, 2009


mlm kelmarin, pd 4 july 2009 jam 11 mlm, my grandad telah kmbali ke rahmatullah.
got the news at 4am on 5th july.
its so sad to hear the news, but it wasnt a shock though. atuk have been suffering for more than 20 years. alhamdulillah tamat jugak penderitaan atuk.
me n kama shooted straight back to wangsa maju after the news. thanx kama sbb teman.
tp x sempat cium pipi atuk.

i used to call him atuk alpha-angle sempena name jusco kat depan rumah dia.
sedih pule remembering those days.

kawan2, sedekah kan al-fatihah utk atuk ye.
smoge roh atuk dicucuri rahmat n di masukkan ke dlm golongan org2 beriman.
amin. amin. amin.

p/s : really hope mama will be fine. she couldnt make it in time cuz she was in italy with papit. ksian mama.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Aktiviti menarik di MELAKA!

oyeh oyehh! anda excited??
sebenarnye byk perkare yg bole dilakukan di melaka ni.
duatiga hari ni kami sgt "active"! jalan2, bersukan, berseronok, n jalan2 lagi, mlawat tmpt2 yg xpernah atau jarang dilawat.
okeoke pendekkan cerite.
pd brape haribulan enam ntah atau duatigaharilepas, kitorg*amir, saye, kama, n si kemetot(ksian emi demam xikot. pdn muke. hahhaa.)* g pengkalan balak. ehh, ke badak? balak kot. ermm nnt saye komfem kan. hahaa.
jalan2 sane smbil menikmati sunset yg sungguh indahh. xsia2 amir bwk laju gile nk mampos merentasi sungai udang ohh*xde la merentasi betul kan, lalu seblah je*.
matehari terbenam sgt cantek! nsib baik saye xde slr. pastu kami main bola di tepi pantai dgn buah kelapa. yeapp. buah kelapa beb. hahaha. luke2 kaki aku nihh. gile gamble ah.
org yg lepak2 pon dah usha semcm jek. haha.

hakhak puas la kami ber-"wrestling" kat tepi pantai tu kan. huu besh2.

esok nye pulak, brape haribulan enam ntah, kitorang gi kayak lakk! kali ni mirul, kakyong, n vivek lak join.
si kemetot demam, emi pon demam ag. ksiann korg ek. pdn muke! hahaha jahatnye akuu~
kitorg kayak kat tasik ayer keroh tu jek. beshh ohh! saye, kama, amir, n vivek naek single. kakyong n mirul lak naek kapel's la ofkos. siap gado2 ag xmo mndayung. wahahahaha.
yg vivek lak smpat ngorat sorg bdak nehh. saje je wat2 exiden ekk. taktik baekk nehh. bole pakai bole pakai. hahhaha
naek darat jek saye ngan amer plg basah skali. ye aa, kami nyer kayak open kot. ciss. dituduh kencing pule. haihh. hahhah.

alamak gamba kena tgu mirul pulakk. xpe2 nnt sye update oke!

huaahh besh2!

hari2 kami dipenuhi aktiviti menarikk!

rupe2 nye xdela bosann sgt mlake ni ekk. huu

ehh terase seperti optimus prime pule. hahaha.

oh yee anda msti pelik sbb saye gunekan bahase m'sia pule kan. haha.
sukehati saye lah! blog saye kott!
hahhaa saje je beralih skali skale ape salah nye kan.
dare to change. ehh! berani utk berubahh. hahah

okehh itu saje utk hari ini.


Saturday, June 20, 2009


i havent been bloggin for a while so heres a lil brief update on what happened a few weeks ago

holidays? too short. i mean damn short. come on, u call 2 weeks a fucking sem break? yeah rite.
anyways, 1st week of hols, went to guangzhou, china. family vaca. everyone was there except my eldest brother as he's bz workin. but we had fun. loads of walking, loads of shopping, n loads of cam-whoring. lol. 1 week in china. 6 days to be precise. hell lotsa fun. but air asia sucks big time.

meet uncle hussein! hahaha. our tour guide.

this was the subway signs.

yea, well, i don't remember what this was.

clifford mansion. our home-like hotel/apartment/shit i dunno what to call it.

the flag of china?lol. n me ofcourse =) this was at the airport.

nuff off china, back to malaysia.
1 week? not much to do. hung out with yasakk! this guy mnyanggup missed his arabic class in UKM for my sake. thanxx beb! hehe. pooling with this guy, got pawned 2-3 by him in race to 5.

we lol-ed like god knows what when miss-queing after these shots. hahah. great fun.

on thursday, results were out and damn i fucked up. shit i felt so stupid. gave up n never went for supp. fuck that.

ohh yea, to yasak, beb, bile ko nk turun mlake nihh? hahha. this guy is goin to egypt in september for further studies. good luck dude. this might sound a bit gay, but im gonna miss u man. jgn lupe bwk blk minah arab yg chun2 utk aku okehh! hehehe.

n to fixx, shit sorry i missed the bbq dude. we'll do it again some other time aite? danga bay? pd? u name it, i'll join it!

n here i am today misserably bored coupled with this feeling of fucking up.

a bad hair week probably? auwo(*i dunno* in a fucking lazy way of speeking)
